What existed before the Big Bang?
Where do animals and birds go to die?
If the blueness of the sky is actually an optical illusion created by dust particles broken up by light, then why is it always blue?
What is time?
What is a joke?
Why does it make us laugh?
Why are grandfather clocks not called grandmother clocks?
Ditto for grandfather chairs (especially when grandmothers have more comfortable laps)
Are we our names?
If we aren't, then would you exist without a name?
Who are you?
I can see myself trying to find plausible answers for some of those 3 - 4 years from today!!!
hey sandhya
you are wondering ..... theres a sufi saying for this- mind is a knife only for cutting apart, so u cant reach it through your mind , heart is a shield , for defending yourself against truth. so u cant find its answer there. YOU COME TO IT THROUGH GRIEF. THROUGH THE SHOCK THAT BREAKS YOU OPEN.
I am the space between the quotes
I am the gap between the notes
I land a wall between many a thought
I stand tall between the so called naught
Errrr...another Question:
Who am I?
What's me and what's mine?
This body I readily call mine
Goes about its own business
Without waiting for reason...or rhyme
These habilements I wear?
Do they define me?
Or the thought I put to words?
Yet these words once read...become yours
What then becomes of 'me'?
The mind I have, dwells on others
The breath I take, I can't withhold
What claim I as mine?
The abode I reside...is rented
But while I'm within...isn't it mine?
I'm all that which I don't have to share
Yet all that I have...was never mine
And if I had to, by some quirk of fate
share my very being, it would be 'ours'
What then becomes of 'me'?
'I', I guess exists
Only in separation
Were the boundaries to dissolve
Then all of you would be me
and I would stop being mine
the universe then would stand to be
I...me...and mine?
laughter is a release of nervous energy that occurs whenever the mind receives two impressions(usually contradictory) at the same time..
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